Confirmation Class Weekend for 7th-8th Grades

Confirmation Class Weekend for 7th-8th Grades

Confirmation 2024 is a weekend course that will investigate the very foundations of our faith and what makes us Christians. On the weekend of January 19-21, students will gather Friday, 5:00–9:00pm; Saturday, 9:00am–1:00pm; and Sunday, 8:30-10:30am. Confirmation is a prerequisite for 7th and 8th graders who seek membership at First Pres.

This year, in addition to the weekend class, we are having students ask the question “How and why do you follow Jesus?” to one parent/guardian and one trusted adult in their life. They should come to Confirmation prepared to discuss how these conversations impacted their own walk with Christ. We are excited for this addition, and think it will lead to a deeper impact.

The cost of $25 is to cover meals for the weekend. If you would prefer to pack meals for your student, that is totally fine just let us know.

Click here to register.