31 Jan

Resilience: Asheville Artist Exhibit

We are thrilled to announce a new exhibit opening in The Galleries at First Pres on Friday, January 31. A reception will be held at 6:00pm, in the Sturgis Gathering area. Come and meet some Asheville artists as they share their work and resilience after the devastation of Hurricane Helene. We hope to see you there!
1 May

Gray Havens Concert: Zion Caravan Tour

Thursday, May 1
7:30pm (Doors Open at 7pm)
Worship & Arts Center | First Presbyterian Church

The Gray Havens, American Christian folk pop duo, along with John Mark Pantana, Antoine Bradford, and Lovkn, are coming to First Pres! Join us on Thursday, May 1, for their Zion Caravan Tour concert. Doors open at 7:00pm and concert begins at 7:30pm. Visit to preview to their music.

3 Apr

Andrew Peterson: Resurrection Letters Tour

Join us to hear Andrew Peterson’s celebrated Easter tour, The Resurrection Letters, on Thursday, April 3, at 7:00pm! These songs celebrate the victory Christ won for us on Calvary and the security of the resurrection. We can’t wait to share these Resurrection Letters with you! Tickets go on sale December 9.