Young Adults

YOUNG ADULTS (age 18 to mid-30s)

First Presbyterian Church has a vibrant community of young adults made up of both singles and married couples ranging from age 18 to mid-30s. Our goal is to exalt God, grow deeper in discipleship, and move from a class to a community. In a time where life is hectic and rapidly evolving with relationships, careers, and children, the Young Adults Ministry seeks to be a place of consistency and support. The Young Adult Sunday Life Groups and missional communities meet regularly to dive deeper into God’s Word, fellowship with one another, serve those in need, and seek to transform the heart of the city. If you find yourself needing community and having a desire to grow closer to Jesus, this is the place for you! 

Re|engage on Wednesdays

Re|engage is a marriage enrichment ministry designed to equip and disciple couples in their walk with Christ. During this 16-week small group Bible study, couples will learn now to apply biblical principles to their marriage. Re|engae is offered Wednesday nights beginning August 19, 5:55-7:30pm. Cost is $50 per couple. Childcare (birth - 5th grade) is available. For more information about registering for 2023, please contact Marriage & Family Assistant Charlotte Joye, 565.0956 or

The Cornerstone Sunday Life Group

Cornerstone is a community of 18-25 year olds who are looking for fellowship, time in God’s Word, and missional opportunities. The group meets together each week in Room B401 to study Dane Ortlund’s “Gentle and Lowly.” Catherine Culler leads the class each Sunday from 9:45-10:30am.

The Gathering Sunday Life Group

The Gathering is a community of recent college grads, singles, and newly married couples in their 20s to early 30s that meets together each Sunday for teaching and relationship building. The group is led by FPC members Lee and Margaret Dixon in Room B304 during the Sunday School hour (9:45–10:30am).

Journey Sunday Community

Journey is a community for young adults in their early 30s to mid-40s that meets together each Sunday for teaching, relationship building, and serving each other and the Greenville community. Join us in B305 (9:45–10:30am).

Radiance: Women’s Bible Study

Wednesday evenings, September through December 6:45–8:15pm. Enjoy amazing fellowship, a light dinner, and dividing into small groups to study God’s word.

Go to Radiance page

Please contact Diana Orders with questions: or 630.1525.


Men in their 20s and early 30s who want to be leaders in their homes, church, and community are encouraged to be a part of JourneyMen on Monday nights. 


Please contact Graham Gooley with questions:

For more information about the Young Adult Ministry, please contact Charlotte Joye, 565.0956 or